Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Making time for what's really important - Day 13 of running streak, day 10 of SFC*

Happy Tuesday everybody!

Great run this morning:  2.03 miles!  Felt great, just felt wonderful to be alive this morning.

One of the great feelings of running early and finishing and starting your cool down is the feeling of the cool early morning air sweeping over you.  It's so refreshing, especially after you've just pushed yourself through some challenging exercise.

I wish you all could feel what that's like.  It's a simple pleasure of life that everyone should get to experience at one time or another.

I will probably hit a nerve this morning, but I feel like if I don't do that every day that you'll stop paying attention.

How many of you say, "I'd love to exercise/eat better/do what I enjoy but...I don't have time"?

Here's the deal:  you do have time.  We all have time.  We just choose to use it in different ways.

Sure, you have a job or a business to run.  That takes time.  You have to get there, maybe.  That takes some more time.

You have a family to make dinner for, or wash their clothes, or check up on homework, or whatever.  All demands on your precious time.

I have told you the importance of a good night's sleep, so you need to do that too.

So when do you do it?

You look at the other time that you have.  Watching TV, or being online.  Before work, like I do, or right after work.  The time that you're "getting comfortable".  Comfort is the enemy, folks.

I could sleep in, and get that extra half hour or so.  But then I wouldn't be able to run, or write this blog.  Because that's the only time I have to do it every day.

No distractions, no calls, no emails, no demands.  Just me and the road and the darkness.

And the wonderful cool early morning air.

And I'm not just talking about exercise here.  I'm talking about that book you want to read, or that business you want to start, or that podcast you want to listen to.

Leisure time is what you give up to do the things that you really want to do.

Look at your life.  Is it how you want it?  What do you need to change?

Change it.  Do it.  Tomorrow doesn't really exist; it's just a concept  Only today, only this moment.

Don't wait until next Monday, or the perfect time.  There's no such thing.  Look at your time today and do it.

Then do it the next day, and the next, until it becomes a habit.  Until you can't imagine NOT doing it.

That's how you make time for what's really important, what's been missing from your life to really make it better.

I hope that you will try this today, as soon as you can.  Have a great day!

Today's run:  2.03 miles, verified by Nike + running app.

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