Friday, July 15, 2016

Our food is full of sodium, and that sucks - Day 9 of running streak, Day 6 of SFC*

 Good run this morning, no speed records broken but ran 1.9 miles.  Longest yet on this streak.

Saw some weird animals crossing the road ahead of me; not sure if they were raccoons or Bigfeet.  Bigfoots?  I was a little sleep deprived again.

Our lead guitarist had to quit our band because of work, so that stinks.  Thought about that a lot on the run.  Also, kids coming home tomorrow!  Can't wait to hear about their adventures in Nicaragua and at Boy Scout camp.

Anyway, you know why it's bad for you?  I mean in excess; we have to have some salt every day.  Raises your blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body, thereby putting extra strain on your heart.  Eating too much sodium increases your risk for not only heart disease, but stroke, osteoporosis, kidney disease and stomach problems.  But I ate two "healthy" things yesterday, supposedly healthy anyway, and they were LOADED with sodium.

I ate a Mediterranean Veggie sandwich from Panera Bread as part of my lunch yesterday.  Sounds good right?  I had no idea what the nutrition info was.  Ate it, logged it on MyFitnessPal app:  570 calories, 1430 mg of sodium!!  I'm on a net 1620 calories/day diet for heart health and supposed to cap out at 2300 mg of sodium for the DAY.

Second bad choice that I thought was good:  rice pilaf from Zoe's Kitchen.  Ate it before band practice; not bad, right?  Vegetarian, no fat, etc., right?  6.55 ounces (what I ate) had only 346 calories but 1290 mg of sodium and 15g of fat!  In RICE!!

Naturally, if you made these things at home they would be nowhere near as bad for you.  So do that if you can.  If you have to eat out, be very careful what you get.  The so-called "healthy" places like Panera (their new ads bother me a lot where they promise healthier food by next year but say nothing about sodium) are just a joke.  Might as well have a cheeseburger.

Today's run:  1.90 miles, verified by Nike+ running app.  Still sugar free*!

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